When you invest money, your capital is at risk. Investments can go down as well as up in value, so you could get back less than you put in. A rule of thumb is to hang on to your investments for at least five years to give them the best chance of providing the returns you are hoping for.
Below, we review two of the best money management apps in the UK - Plum and Moneybox.
Plum automates your deposits and investments, analyses your spending and automatically switches your utilities whereas Moneybox rounds up your everyday purchases to the nearest pound, then automatically saves or invests the difference.
Use the tabs below to learn more about Plum and Moneybox.
Click here to learn more about Moneybox's automatic deposits.
Minimum ISA Deposit: £1
Subscription Fee: £1 per month (first 3 months free)
Platform Fee: £0.45% per month
Annual Investment Cost: 0.12% - 0.30%
Currency Conversion Fee: 0.45%
Trading Fee: £0
Exit Fee: £0
Other fees apply. Click here to learn more about Moneybox's automatic investments. Capital at risk.
Subscription Fee: £0 (you do not pay a subscription fee for this service)
Annual Platform Fee (Charged monthly):
Balances up to £100,000: 0.45%
Balances over £100,000: 0.15%
Fund Management Fee: 0.13% - 0.25%
Click here to learn more about the Moneybox Pension. Capital at risk.
Moneybox also offers:
Click here to learn more about Moneybox's other features.
It’s free to download the app and the savings products are completely free.
The investment and pension products come at cost as detailed above.
Yes, to carry out payment services activities.
Yes, but only if you want to.
Your money is protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) up to a maximum of £85,000. This means you can get your money back if Moneybox were to go bust. Note that the FSCS does not cover losses arising from the performance of any of your investments.
You can withdraw at any time, but it takes around 2-3 weeks to sell your investments on your behalf and transfer the money back to your Moneybox account.
Visit Moneybox's website here.
Click here to learn more about Plum's automatic deposits.
Minimum ISA Deposit: £1
Subscription Fee: £2.99 per month (first month free)
Product Provider Fee: 0.45% per year
Currency Conversion Fee: 0.45%
Trading Fee: £0
Exit Fee: £0
Other fees apply. Click here to learn more about Plum's automatic investments. Capital at risk.
Subscription Fee: £0 (you do not need to subscribe to Plum Pro or Plum Premium to use the pension product)
Product Provider Fee: 0.45% per year
Currency Conversion Fee: 0.45%
Other fees apply. Click here to learn more about the Plum Pension. Capital at risk.
Automatic Utility Switch
Click here to learn more about Plum's automatic utility switch.
Money Maximiser
Click here to learn more about Money Maximiser.
It’s free to download the app, set money aside using automatic deposits and Round Ups, withdraw as often as you like, and switch your bills with Plum.
If you're interested in automatic investments or want to earn interest on your savings, Plum Pro or Plum Premium might be for you.
Basic: Free
Pro: £2.99/month (first month free)
Premium: £9.99/month (first month free)
Other fees apply.
Yes, to carry out payment services activities.
Yes, to personalise the amount Plum puts aside for you. Plum also uses the information on your incomings and outgoings to identify when you are being overcharged on utility bills. The app requires read-only access to your bank account through open banking.
Your money is protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) up to a maximum of £85,000. This means you can get your money back if Plum were to go bust. Note that the FSCS does not cover losses arising from the performance of any of your investments.
You can withdraw at any time, but it takes around 7 working days to sell your investments on your behalf and transfer the money back to your Plum account.
Visit Plum's website here.
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